Thursday and Friday are all a blur. Work was amazing I am sure. I am having lots of fun and learning so much. David and Ben are really great at figuring out what it is that we want to get out of this summer and giving us projects to work on based on that. It's fantastic. On Friday we planned out what the rest of our summer is going to look like and presented it to our managers and others and overall they thought it was great. We're look at a minimum of 90 new recruits to the Student Network and 160 to the Activist Network which seems so awesome to me! I'm definitely really excited. We're also starting to work more with the Activist Network fellow, which is basically a paid intern that works on a 6 month contract, Alex, who seems pretty cool too. Aaron and I went out to Trader Joe's to buy some groceries when I got back - hooray! Looking back to Thursday we had a big monthly meeting where all of the offices were connected and gave updates - video conferencing to DC! And all of the new interns and staff were introduced (that's us!). And then we had our weekly San Francisco staff lunch. Also... I am hooked on Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans which are like the Activist Network meeting staple food. :)
I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much lately, I'll just either be so tired at night, or sit down and try and think of what to write and either not be able to share that many details of my day or just totally forget what happened because it is all such an awesome blur.
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