So the last couple of days have been pretty exciting. Yesterday afternoon I met up with Juliann, another Greenpeace intern who had just flown in. She came over to my neighbourhood to check out my place and the shops around here. She is super nice and we clicked right away. :) In the evening I spent some time back here at the house with two of my housemates Mandi and Aaron and their friend playing Rockband, eating Chinese and watching Arrested Development. Hell yes, we are cool. It was really nice to get to know them a bit, they are very sweet people and I love Aaron's dog so much - witness the wonder yourself in the facebook video. (Watch out Tessa)
Today I met up with Juliann on the bus heading towards work (she gets on the same bus about three minutes after I do, in a slightly more sketchy part of town). We headed over to the Greenpeace office again, stopping at Starbucks on the way. She ordered oatmeal and I ordered a huevo ranchero wrap - breakfast of champions, or so we thought. However, they had neither so we had to switch it up. Way to start the morning, haha. But the people were super friendly! Also, I think Juliann and I have this thing with people pushing ahead of us in line. Yesterday someone had asked to go in front of us when we were buying groceries (and by groceries I mean pasta and tomato sauce... gotta love little local grocers) and then someone accidentally stepped in front of us at the Starbucks. We started a tradition and just asked people behind us everywhere else we stopped that day if they wanted to cut ahead and go first.
We met up with Mac and Amy (two of the other Greenpeace interns) and Mac's friend Julian. (This one is a guy Julian, but Juliann is a girl Juliann - just thought I would clear that up). They drove us downtown and we saw this huge Palestine protest urging the US to retract their support of Israel. It was pretty intense. Then on to Union Square where we began our grand tour of the downtown core - led by local guy Julian. We walked all over downtown, which is really really nice with lots of cool shop and sites to see. Then headed to Chinatown, I'm about to upload a bunch of photos onto facebook, so check them out there. It was really neat, and so colourful. We touched into Little Italy as well and hiked this little residential hill for a gorgeous view of the Bay. It was so nice to have someone who actually knows the city show you around. Then we stopped in the coolest place ever for sandwiches, the guys serving were so hilarious and gave Mac a terrible time for his dislike of onions... Juliann and I headed down to Market Street to catch a bus back home, and now here I am.
Shivs keeps jumping on my lap and trying to walk all over the computer and every time I sit or lie down on my bed he jumps on me, collapses, and is not too happy about moving. So before he accidentally deletes this I'm going to sign off.
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