Tuesday, June 8, 2010

hello this is kelsey calling from greenpeace

So today I actually got to start doing some work for Greenpeace. In the morning I spent two hours reading a variety of articles and what not about current campaigns and recent victories, and also read a bunch of "The Greenpeace Story" which covers the history of the organization. Then we had training on recruitment which was cool and a break for lunch.

There is this really great place across the road called JB's. The people are so friendly and apparently they are also super enthused about Greenpeace and what not and know when we bring our own plates over for them to use. It's a great little sandwich shop - definitely a score.

After lunch I learned all about the Activist Network with the other two AN interns from Ben and Anna who coordinate the network. And then David spoke to us about the Student Network. We also had another intern skype in from a smaller office in Chicago. We ended up going through all sorts of things including how to recruit volunteers and spent a lot of time on practicing conversing via phone in regards to current campaigns and issues.

Right now we'll be working on a campaign about chemical security. There are about 6000 chemical plants around the States that use chlorine which is extremely dangerous and could effect thousands to millions of people depending on the location in the case of an accident or terrorist attack. There is a bill that has passed through though House and is now in Senate requiring that these companies use healthier, safer alternatives. Clorox, due to much campaigning, has already changed over all of their plants so it's obviously possible. So right now the Activist Network's job is to contact people all over Nevada who are in a) a dangerous chemical security zone and b) Senator Harry Reid's constituency to ask them to call Senator Read and ask him to co-sponser the legislation. As well we are asking people to take a step further and write letters to the editor of local newspapers.

Before the first phone call I was a little nervous but after I got rolling it was totally fine. :) Definitely looking forward to more of that and other exciting things tomorrow. Finally got a chance to stock up a bit at Safeway with Jules after work so that was exciting. I am all set foodwise for a few days which is a big accomplishment. Keep in touch :) I'd love to hear from any of you.

Also yesterday we saw these two guys on the bus. One of them looked really down and out, the kind of guy who might need a food bank, and this other guy, obviously his buddy was trying to convince him to come to these meetings every Monday morning where they just have orange juice and coffee with this nice lady, Tania, and talk about all the shit that they're dealing with. Right away I judge the down and outter to be someone I wouldn't want to mess with. Well instead he turns to his pal and says to him, "Man, I'm sorry. Monday mornings I volunteer at the food bank." And the other guy goes, "Really, that's amazing, man. Shit, can you hook me up? I'd love to give back too, I think that is so great." And Mr. Down-n-Out says "Yeah, I get to go on the deliveries and go give people food. It's so wonderful." It made me smile.

1 comment:

  1. I lied - I did read this one too, just didn't comment. So I was only a few days behind, not a week.
    Just thought I'd write to tell you that.

    Besides, "you'd love to hear from any of us."
