I've stopped writing on a daily basis because I feel as though there isn't that much to report (especially during the week while I'm at work) but now I've ended up consistently leaving it so long that I forget what has happened!
It was a short week of work, since we had Monday off, and I feel like nothing terribly exciting happening on Tuesday or Wednesday. Work progressed as normal. Everything is going well and I feel like I have so much to do all the time. My bright pink sticky notes that make up my To-Do list stretch on for so long - and I'm only an intern!
On Thursday morning several of us interns met up with Lauren Thorpe, who heads up the Actions team here, and made a delivery to Senator Boxer's office in regards to our
chemical security campaign. We donned "Toxics Safety Team" t-shirts and presented the office staff there with petitions, letters and a beautiful photo album filled with pictures of people holding signs asking Senator Boxer to be an original co-sponsor of a strong chemical security act. It went really well, they were very receptive, and we posed outside afterward holding a banner. Pictures soon to come, hopefully.
Thursday, after work, Amy and I went to Mike's (one of the web guys at the GP office) because he was making a music video with his band and wanted an audience to come and be a part of it. We all dressed in super bright colours, I had to borrow Mac's shirt, and grooved to his band's music which is totally awesome -
Color Chasm. It was fun, there was beer. Good times.
On Friday after work all of the interns headed to this Mexican place just down the road from work for delicious tacos/nachos/burritos and $2 Coronas (their Friday special). It was nice, and I think we should definitely make a point to head over there more frequently.
Saturday was Jules' birthday! Yay! She turned 19. Her and I met up at the market and spent an hour down there looking around and asking about all the weird looking fruit and veggies and sampling so much of it. I've never really taken the time to properly enjoy the market before, so that was really nice. I also bought a lot, again, big surprise. But who can resist! Afterward I headed over to her house and we spent the next few hours reading, drinking mojitos, and tanning on her porch in our bikinis. It was so nice and sunny and warm.
We were supposed to meet up with a couple of other interns and go see the movie Dirty Dancing in the park but it was so cold and everyone else crapped out on us we decided to stay in. We spent the entire day eating, and drinking, and dancing, and watching movies. It was really nice to just have a chill day.
Then this morning Nicole, a friend of the person Jules is renting from, drove us to head out to a beach. First we visited Lombard street and drove down it, which was awesome!

After that we headed over to Coit tower for a nice view of the city, and the continued on in search of a beach. We originally planned to go to Baker Beach which is pretty close to the city but it was so cloudy we opted to drive further up north so drove over the Golden Gate and headed up to Bolinas. Bolinas, which is supposed to be a gorgeous beach in the sunlight, was also cloudy so we just kept on trucking north heading toward Point Reyes. At one point we stopped at a little oyster place with a white picket fence. People would buy oysters and shuck them themselves at picnic tables spread throughout this little area that reminded me of something straight out of Sweet Home Alabama. Prettttty nifty.
The next place we stopped was Point Reyes Station which was this hick little western style town. We drove further and then decided it was getting late and our adventure was ridiculous so headed back for Point Reyes Station sandwiches at the local gas station. We also visited the surf shop there and the guy was so stoked to see us. I don't think he gets much business since the town only has around 480 people in it.
We decided to head back and stopped at Bolinas beach on the way home. It WAS nice, and the mountains in the background were beautiful but it was chilly with the breeze and lack of sunlight so we continued on. The drive is so beautiful, on winding roads between the cliffs dropping off to the sea below and the hills, then two minutes later finding yourself in a forest again. Oh microclimates, how you dazzle me!